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Erlanger Baroness Hospital 8 MW Reciprocating Engine Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Plant tour...

A special thank you Erlanger Hospital, 2G Energy Inc. (USA), and White Harvest Energy for hosting a very educational informational day showcasing combined heat & power systems, the variety of benefits, and allowing us to tour the impressive Erlanger Baroness Hospital 8 MW Reciprocating Engine Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee!

This system removes approximately 14,200 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere annually. That's equivalent to:

  • 2,758 Cars removed from the road, or

  • 4,489 Tons of waste recycled instead of landfilled, or

  • 431,125 Incandescent bulbs switched to LED, or

  • 1,449,536 gallons of gasoline not consumed, or

  • 14,094,117 Pounds of coal not burned

A Key Part of Our Energy Future, CHP technology can be deployed quickly, cost-effectively, and with few geographic limitations. It can use a variety of fuels, both fossil- and renewable-based to provide efficient, clean, reliable, affordable energy solutions.

Great sponsorship by 2G Energy Inc. (USA) and White Harvest Energy, in collaboration with Schneider Electric and the Southeast DOE CHP TAP.

Both 2G Energy Inc. and White Harvest Energy have truly built an amazing facility!



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