White Spruce Ventures is currently creating a complete Plant Operating Manual for 9.3 MW Landfill Gas to Energy facility located in Florida. The plant utilizes landfill gas generated by the nearby landfill to generate electricity for continuous operation and for export to the local utility.

The facility is comprised of a Liquid Oxidation Catalyst (LO-CAT) Hydrogen Sulfide Removal System to remove the Hydrogen Sulfide from the sour fuel gas stream, along with four (4) Low-Pressure Roots Blower Skids, three (3) High-Pressure Howden Compressor Skids, and three (3) Solar Centaur™ 40 Gas Turbine Generator Sets. Instrument and Service Air is supplied by two (2) Air Compressors in the Plant Compressed Air System. In the plant electrical system, four (4) 5KV Switchgear, a Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) and the associated shunt-connected transformer, four (4) 480 Volt Motor Control Centers, the 120/240 Volt Distribution System, and the DC Voltage System are used for plant power control, power distribution, plant continuous operation and synchronization of the Generator Sets to the utility.

The Solar Centaur 40 Gas Turbines mix the fuel gas with air and ignite it, increasing the temperature in the high-pressure environment of the combustor. The products of the combustion are forced into the turbine section, where the high velocity and volume of the gas flow is directed through a nozzle over the turbine blades. This spins the turbine, powering the compressor and driving the mechanical output connected to the generator. The generators are capable of generating a combined electrical power of up to 7,500 KVA at a 0.98 power factor and 4160 volts.

The generators are connected to the 5kV metal enclosed Switchgear from which plant load is supplied for continuous operation. The remaining 6 MW balance of electrical power is supplied to the electrical utility system via a common 7,500 KVA, 13.2 KV Transformer.

Contact us at info@whitespruceventures.com today for help with documenting your facility systems and processes!